Hello! I am Pastor Pat Harris of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Claremont NH. I welcome you to join with me in musings about the church year season, daily texts or meditations. I will share my thoughts and invite you to share yours with me as well. I look forward to sharing internet time with you, and if you are ever in the Claremont NH area, please feel free to drop in and visit in person. Our regular worship service times are Sundays at 9:30 AM

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Prince of Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Lent Day 13--March 7, 2012

Lenten Reflection for Day 13

Date: March 7, 2012

Author: Elaine Day

Bible Passage: Jeremiah 2:23–25 (NRSV)

23 How can you say, “I am not defiled, I have not gone after the Baals”? Look at your way in the valley; know what you have done— a restive young camel interlacing her tracks, 24 a wild ass at home in the wilderness, in her heat sniffing the wind! Who can restrain her lust? None who seek her need weary themselves; in her month they will find her. 25 Keep your feet from going unshod and your throat from thirst. But you said, “It is hopeless, for I have loved strangers, and after them I will go.”


I found the following translation of Jeremiah 2:23-25 from the Good News Bible a little easier to understand

“How can you say you have not defiled yourself, that you have never worshipped Baal? Look how you sinned in the valley; see what you have done. You are like a wild camel in heat, running around loose, rushing into the desert. When she is in heat, who can control her? No male that wants her has to trouble himself; she is always available in mating season. Israel, don’t wear your feet out, or let your throat become dry from chasing other gods. But you say, ‘No! I can’t turn back. I have loved foreign gods and will go after them.’”

Jeremiah has been chosen by God to tell the people of Israel that they will be punished because even after all that God did for them, the Israelites turned from God and worshipped idols. In the above verses, Jeremiah conveys how easily the people turned from God through the use of the carnal image of camels in heat. The tone of this passage clearly shows God’s disappointment and displeasure. The flesh is indeed weak and we are easily led astray.

I am reminded of these words from a song: “Modern times have brought us many comforts. People live in wealth and luxury. But the Master still asks this question, ‘Lovest thou me, more than these?’’ Does a desire for wealth and fame lead us astray? Will we be able to turn away from these “foreign gods” that have such an allure for us?


With God’s help, I pray that I will be able to turn away from temptation and respond to the question posed above, with the rest of the words of the song, “Oh, precious Lord, I love you more than all of these; more than fame, more than wealth, more than the world.”

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