Hello! I am Pastor Pat Harris of Prince of Peace Lutheran Church in Claremont NH. I welcome you to join with me in musings about the church year season, daily texts or meditations. I will share my thoughts and invite you to share yours with me as well. I look forward to sharing internet time with you, and if you are ever in the Claremont NH area, please feel free to drop in and visit in person. Our regular worship service times are Sundays at 9:30 AM

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Prince of Peace Evangelical Lutheran Church

Monday, March 29, 2010

Holy Communion--For the Forgiveness of Sins--Part 2

Week 6 Lenten Devotions

Lent Day 35: Monday in Holy Week, March 29

Theme for the Week: Holy Communion—Bread for the Journey

Passage for the Day: 1 Corinthians 11:27

27 Whoever, therefore, eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be answerable for the body and blood of the Lord.


On this Monday in Holy Week, I ponder, what does it mean to eat the bread or drink the cup in an “unworthy manner”? Does it mean that I have to have been on good behavior before I can come to the Table? Does it mean sinners aren’t welcome at the Table?

I don’t believe that only those who are sin-free (as if any of us could be sin-free), can come to the Table. Otherwise, why would Matthew have recorded Jesus as saying that eating the bread and drinking the cup are for forgiveness of sins. We wouldn’t need forgiveness if we came to the Table sin-free. I come to the Table as a sinner, asking for forgiveness.

I think coming to the Table in an “unworthy manner” is to come in a way that rejects or belittles the gift that Jesus has given us. I would imagine that if I would come to the Table thinking this is a “bunch of baloney” or something worse, that would be coming in an “unworthy manner”. I would also imagine that denying someone else a place at the Table because of rules that I have made up or judgments that I have made about his or her character would also be “unworthy”. I like to think of coming to the Table as Luther did, as “one beggar telling another where to get bread.”

Prayer Themes:

Thank God for the forgiveness of sins that comes from “coming to the Table”. Pray that I might come in a way that is humble, respectful and in remembrance of Jesus’ gift. Pray that in this Holy Week, I might be moved by Jesus’ gift of himself. Pray for those who struggle with feeling of unworthiness. Pray for those who reject God’s wonderful gift of Holy Communion.

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully said. By the time I got to the Luther quote, the Spirit was whooshing in. Thank you for gentle thoughts.
